MACRVA Food Service Feedsmore during COVID 19 Pandemic

The Masjid Bilal Food Bank has operated for more than 20 years under the direction of Dr. James H. Rasheed . Residents from all over the Richmond Churchill community receive grocery items including produce, meats, baked goods and canned goods. Feeding more than 1000 people monthly, the program has been the recipient of numerous community awards. The Masjid Bilal Food Bank, one of the principal ministries of the Muslim American Community RVA , works in collaboration with the Central Virginia Foodbank.
Future plans include merging this project into a Job Readiness, Financial/Computer Literacy Initiative, Restoration of Voter Rights and Integrated Family Visitation Services.
This initiative has relied upon the volunteer efforts of many Churchill residents working side by side with members of the muslim community. The program receives no grants and relies solely upon individual contributions.
This program which is vital to so many families is in jeopardy of closure due rising cost and a reduction in contributions. We need your help!
This past Ramadan, we launched the FREEDOM 10 Fundraiser for upgrading our refrigeration facilities with a Walk-In Freezer. Goal was to raise 10,000 dollars by June 30, 2019. In the fall of 2019 we successfully met out $10,000 goal and as of January 2020 the Walk in Freezer has been installed and is operational.
Since March of 2020, the demand upon this vital service has increased with the onset of the COVID19 pandemic and the associated economic crisis. Consider become a sustaining supporter of this community program.
Please give a generous tax-deductible one time or monthly contribution.
It’s Easy! Just click on the Link below.
We invite you to come by and see your dollars in action! The food bank operates the fourth weekend of each month, Fridays 2pm-4pm and Saturdays 9am –12 noon. To find out more about this initiative, contact James Rasheed at
Because of your donation, your elderly neighbors and children won’t have to go to bed hungry again.