Marriage Ceremony (Nikkah)

Muslim American Community, RVA facilitates Nikkah ceremonies on a pre-scheduled basis. An appointment with the Imam of the Masjid is required. Two marriage consultations are recommended in advance with the couple prior to the ceremony.
Please contact the imam's administrative assistant at 804.222.9825 for scheduling. Imam will be in contact with you to schedule your Nikkah and consultations. Please allow a grace period of 5 business days for a confirmation of your Nikkah. If you do not receive a response within 5 business days, kindly send us an email at
You will be required to complete an internal Request for Nikah Services and Facilities Form at the time of your consultation with the Imam.This should be completed 1 week prior to the Nikah Ceremony.
1. In order for the Imam or his designee to perform any Nikkah, you must make a confirmed appointment in advance. It is recommened that the couple draft a pre-nuptial contract in which the dowery (Mahr-free gift offering to bride) must be stipulated and agreed upon by both parties. The wali of the pride should be familiar with the terms of this agreement. Nikah is to be understood as a binding contract.
2. A valid legal marriage license is required.****
This can be obtained from your local county probate court. Please note the time limitations on the documentation from the courts. For the Richmond area go
The completed marriage documentation will be processed by the Imam with the local courts.You can anticipate the return of your copy in the mail within 2 weeks after the ceremony.
3. Nikkahs are usually performed after congregational Salah. For other times, please contact the Imam's administrative assistant at 804.222.9825.
4. Both the bride and groom should be Muslims*. A wali (guardian of the bride) must give approval for the marriage and be repesent along with a minimum of 2 witnesses in order for the Nikkah to be complete. (* It is permissable for a muslim man to marry a believing woman from the people of the book)
5. If one or both of the individuals have been previously married, you are required to inform the Imam before the time of your Nikkah and provide documentation. Please note that the Mahr (Free Gift to the bride) must be remitted or a partial thereof at the time of marriage in order for the marriage to be consumated. This is a term of the contract required by ALLAH (SWT).Nikah is to be understood as a binding contract.****
6. The marriage ceremony can be photographed. In addition the Masjid Cultural Center can be reserved for your reception. For rates please contact the administrative assistant at 804.222.9825.Kitchen access in addition to audio and video setup can be arranged.
7. Your scheduled appointment with Imam will take place at Masjid Bilal, RVA, 400 Chimborazo Blvd, Richmond Va. unless otherwise stipulated.
Nikah Services and Facilities Rates:
Imam's Services- $75
Culture Center-$100 (four hours)*
Seating capacity 85 occupants banquet style
Audio and Video Setup-$50**
Includes PA and Theatre style Wide Screen Projection
****Providing false or inacurate information may result in a void Nikkah and is answerable to ALLAH as well as laws of the US government. Nikah is to be understood as a binding contract.
The Muslim American Community, RVA its' officers and or officials are not liable for any pertinant information withheld or presented falsely at the time of Nikkah.